to the Telephone Tribute Website!
You'll find all sorts of telephone related web pages here on the history of the telephone, technical
information, research resources, human interest stories, clubs, pictures, sound files,
links, etc. If this is your first time here, you might try starting out your navigation
of my web site by first looking at my Table
of Contents or using the search engine to your right.
This site, started in 1997 by
David Massey, has no pop-up or pop-under advertisements, banner ads, or other intrusive/in-your-face
advertising, The webmasters of this site personally pay for the server space so you can surf
ad-free! David still operates his Bell System website called the
System Memorial" which focuses on the corporate and technology
history of AT&T, Bell Laboratories, Western Electric, and the so-called
"Baby Bells".
When the telecommunications revolution
began over a century ago, no one could have predicted where it would lead: telephones in
nearly every household in the industrialized nations; the development of the radio, the
broadcast television, cable television; the globe-spanning Internet; portable, personal
satellite phones; the complete digitization of communications. U.S. spending on
telecommunications topped $517 Billion in 1999 and according to MultiMedia
Telecommunications Association forecasts, total U.S. spending for telecom equipment and
services will grow to $794 billion in 2003. More broadly defined, the communications
industry accounts for one seventh of the U.S. economy, a share worth $1 trillion annually
and is growing at a rate twice as fast as the overall economy.
Many of these web pages are the
results of on-going contributions from many visitors that have e-mailed and
snail-mailed files, pictures, documents, etc. for which I am deeply
grateful. For some personal information about the original creator of Tribute to the
Telephone, please read the introduction page.
For email and phone number contacts information, see my contacts information page.
This site is best viewed at 800 x 600 screen
resolution or higher and with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some features will not
work with Netscape such as the touch-tone sounds when clicking on my touch-tone menu
"dial" at the top of each page.
This is not a commercial web site. This is our hobby and, as such,
we do not have any photos, documents, or other material for sale nor can we authorize the use
of any material owned by others. If you
desire to use anything on this web site for commercial or for-profit purposes, you must
contact the lawful owner of the material for their permission.
This personal web site is for research, historical, and hobby purposes only and is not
sponsored by or connected to any telephone company, Regional Bell Operating Companies,
AT&T, Lucent Technologies (formerly Western Electric), Bell Laboratories, or
affiliated with any other site links shown.
The use of product or company names on my web site is not endorsement of that product or
company. The Bell System logo is the property of several Regional Bell Operating
Companies (RBOCs) in the USA. All other logos are the property of their
respective corporate owners.
When known, any references, documents, and other material
that is not my original work will show proper credit of ownership by their respective
corporation, authors, individuals, and/or publishers. Any help in identifying non-credited
or improperly credited material on this web site would be appreciated.
Although the information supplied by others
(documents, photos, sound files, etc.) on this web site is in good faith and believed to be accurate, we are
not responsible for the accuracy.
All original material on this web
site is copyrighted ©1997 - 2003 by David Massey
copyrighted ©2004-2006
by Bob & Sheri Stritof . |

Telephone Tribute" has been cited in
The Infography as one of
the most excellent sources of information about the subject of
"Telephone History".
This site is a member of the
Internet Content Rating Association

ICRA Members